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Friday, 26 February 2010

Backlinks from Every Tweet

Get Backlinks from Every Tweet
I was looking at where my blog traffic comes from and I’ve noticed something interesting. Google is not the top referrer to my blog. My top referrer is actually Flickr which would make sense because, with my Photo-A-Day project, I post to Flickr every single day. With each uploaded photo I add a link from Flickr to my blog. That is something I do manually and it can take some time on my part, not a lot of time but some time.

What if you could get tons of backlinks doing something you do many times a day anyway?

I’m talking about TweetBrand. This free download that runs on Adobe Air allows you to determine the “via” link under your tweet. Look at your standard twitter programs like TweetDeck, HootSuite, Tweetie and Seesmic. Each one of those programs includes a link back to itself each time you use the service. So you are driving more traffic to these programs each time you tweet rather than driving traffic to your blog.

With TweetBrand you can determine not only the url that you want to link to, but you can define the keywords to drive traffic back to your blog with each and every tweet. For example, I set up my TweetBrand to link to and I’ve branded it BenSpark’s Photo-A-Day. I’m certainly not an SEO expert and I’m sure I could have named it better, but the fact remains that the tweets are branded as I determine, not as those services brand your tweets.

I usually have both TweetDeck and TweetBrand open. I look for tweets to interact with on TweetDeck and then write out my response tweets and send them through TweetBrand. Is it elegant, no not at all, but it is worth that one little step to get more links for my blog.


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